Bethany French Baptist Church
of Elmont, NY 11003
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Covid-19 Notice
We here at Bethany French Baptist Church of Elmont have taken necessary steps in cooperation with New York State, New York City Health and Hospitals along with local officials to adhere safety regulations in response of Covid-19.
As a precaution, currently we allow those involved in ministry to convene in groups if vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated are more than welcome to attend our general Church assembly provided you feel well with no health concerns, as with a cold or fever (Normal body temperature without persistent arbitrary cough). We ask that you wear a mask, in observing the five Ws. If needed, please ask our medical team for a mask or Covid test kit.
We pray that you and your love ones are in good health and spirit. If you are unable to attend in person please follow us on social media and join our live streaming of Church Services via our various platforms.
Notice Posted: Sunday April 10, 2022

Jesus Loves you, and So Do We!
Who We Are
Welcome. So who are we? I am glad you asked. We are Bethany French Baptist Church of Elmont New York. Our Senior Pastor is Rev. Edy Bichotte. Our Youth Pastor is Jonathan Bichotte. Our church services are multilingual. We speak French/Creole, Spanish and of course English. Our church roots are baptist and we are here to serve You, the community of Elmont, and the world for Jesus Christ through his love.
Listen to Radio Bethany, Anytime, Anywhere!

Follow Us
We moved to Elmont
We have moved from 9021 160th Street, Jamaica, New York 11432 to 471 Elmont Rd Elmont, NY 11003.
Our new church home is spacious... and it needs to be, because we are growing. Our pastor, Edy Bichotte had a vision and by faith we worked together, it came to pass.

Bethany Church Services
Bethany French Baptist Church of Elmont conducts two Sunday services. Every Sunday, at 8:00 AM - 10:00 Am and 12:15 PM - 2:45 PM. We also have prayer services through out the week. You may attend in person or listen through our live stream. Why not Download the APP on Apple IOS and Android

Bethany Member Ministries
Bethany French Baptist Church members participate in a variety of ministries to encourage their faith and others. As a member you may join a Choir, Missions group, Married Couples, Audio & Visual Team, The Band, and Youth groups to name a few.

Bethany outreach volunteer
As Believers we are called to serve in the love of Christ. But what if you're not a member of our church? Or a member of any church? You are still welcome here. From handing out tracks to our food pantry, if serving others interest you why not offer to volunteer?

Bethany Pastoral Services
Bethany French Baptist Church Elders, Leaders and members fill many roles. But what if your prayerful needs can use Godly wisdom? Our Senior Pastor Edy Bichotte is a certified councilor. Members, that are Engaged to be married, Married, and families are encouraged to meet for biblical counseling.
From our Members
Let us encourage your walk and strengthen your faith.

Rem ridi culus pharetra labore nulla expli cabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate elemen tum.
Jane Foster, NY

Rem ridi culus pharetra eligendi labore nulla expli cabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores cupiditate.
John Doe, NY

Rem pharetra labore eligendi nulla expli cabo sem! Modi ipsa, dolores elemen tum eligendi.
Jane Doe, MH
Don't Have a Home Church?
We would love to hear for you.